Thursday 19 March 2015


Source: Housing

Once upon a time a little girl in a red coated silver gown got up the stage to sing a song in her school festival. She was so excited to perform in front of all. She rehearsed many times before her performance day. When she got up to the stage, she saw many gazes were rested on her. Nervousness mounted over her. The band started the music and she sang with the rhythm of music. But due to that nervousness she forgot some lines and started to fumble. The student started to laugh and mock at her. Her vision got blurry with tears and she couldn't sing anymore. She had to stop in the middle of her performance. She returned home with teary eyes and with an anguish heart. That night she cried her heart out. Her mom and dad tried to soothe her, but nothing worked out. 

That day remained as a nightmare for her, for the next couple of years. It was difficult for her to face people after that incident. She became an introvert person, started to hate attention and liked to be a wallflower at parties. She became shy, quiet and one of the back benches of her school and no one talked to her unless they needed something from her. She also preferred to be a loner.

One day she decided to win over her fear. She never wanted that life, but that happened to her. She held her pen and paper and made a list of ‘What to do’. She also explored the internet to find solutions to her problem. She tried several weird methods; singing aloud in a park or open area, greet to each and every person she met, changed her hair style and got a new makeover. But nothing worked out; she needed that inspiration to let out her fear.

One day she got that inspiration. Her source of inspiration was her own will power and her parent’s hope. Her parents supported her and they gave emphasize to one thing, ‘Never give up’. She came to know that to disclose the fear, she has to face it. She kept her positive attitude towards life and did another stage show. During her performance, she rediscovered herself and realized the power of optimism. Eventually she also comprehended that her personality has nothing to do with her phobia.

That little girl was me, who is now not-a-little-girl anymore. That scar from childhood left a deep imprint in my soul. Now also I’m having difficulties in doing something in front of others and now also I’m keep trying to improve myself. But I have found my optimism and I will definitely carry an optimistic girl tag. But my personality changed, I’m now an extrovert person with bubbly character. I had decided to look up at life and that changed my views towards life.   

This post is inspired from Housing(, #lookup. 

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Anonymous said...

Awesome story on the way you rediscovered yourself. I am sure you will do good and this blog will help you in being more extrovert.

Good luck for a better tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Thank you singhalalok.... :) I think I'll become more extrovert...:)

Arpita Dash said...

As far as I can see, you are doing well... :) Keep it up
Jollity Life

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